Kokkos: A Parallel, Portable Programming Model for CPUs and GPUs
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Workshop format: Presentation with hands-on exercises.
Target audience: Researchers looking to accelerate their C++ code using a high-level programming model.
Knowledge prerequisites: Some experience with C++ programming is required.
Hardware/software prerequisites: For this workshop, users must have an account on our Adroit cluster, and they should confirm that they can SSH into Adroit at least a few hours beforehand. Details on all of the above can be found in this guide: https://bit.ly/3QER9Sv
Learning objectives: Participants will come away with the ability to understand and begin writing Kokkos code for CPUs and GPUs.
Rohit Kakodkar
Research Software Engineer II
Rohit is a Research Software Engineer in Geosciences.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: GradFUTURES
Contact the organizers