Introduction to Programming Using Python, Section I (9/11, 9/12 and 9/14)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
This mini-course is an introduction to Python for those with little or no programming experience. Python is a programming language used for a wide variety of applications including scientific computation, image processing, text processing, file handling, graphics, database handling, and web interfaces. It is designed to be elegant, concise, and easy to learn, while offering many advanced features.
This course will introduce you to Python programming, and to the resources you need to start learning and using Python. Participants will use the free Anaconda Python distribution on their own laptops. The course will include in-class exercises so participants can begin to experience Python for themselves.
Participants will receive directions from the instructor on installing Python before the workshop.
Workshop format: Presentation with hands-on exercises.
Target audience: Those with little to no computer programming experience. This workshop is designed for all members of the campus community including undergraduate students.
Knowledge prerequisites: None
Hardware/software prerequisites: A laptop with Anaconda Python installed. The instructor will send explicit directions.
Learning objectives: Participants will come away with the ability to understand and write simple Python code.
Matthew Cahn
Princeton University
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: GradFUTURES
Contact the organizers