Mon, Jul 29, 2024

1:30 PM – 3 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Learn the skills needed to reproduce professional-level animations and interactives in R. We will go over basic animations like scatter plots, line graphs, and maps, as well as more advanced three-dimensional interactives. At the end of this workshop, participants will have a fundamental understanding of how to build their own movies within the R environment.

Knowledge prerequisites: Basic knowledge of R

Hardware/software prerequisites: You will need a laptop with R/RStudio and these packages: ggplot2, dplyr, gganimate, gifski, tidyverse, plotly, stars. For installing R/RStudio, see these directions:

Workshop format: Presentation and hands-on

If you need help with finding the room (JRRB 399) then watch this video:


Carolina Roe-Raymond's profile photo

Carolina Roe-Raymond

Visualization Analyst

Princeton University

Carolina Roe-Raymond is a Visualization Analyst in the Princeton Institute of Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) at Princeton University. As a Visualization Analyst, Carolina helps Princeton faculty, staff, and students explore and communicate their data through graphs, charts, and other visuals. Prior to her current position, Carolina created static and interactive data visualization applications for academic research groups. Carolina has a Ph.D. in Resource Ecology and Management, where she used visualizations created in R and GIS programs to advance research in urban bee ecology.


Nikhil Chinchalkar's profile photo

Nikhil Chinchalkar

Cornell University

Nikhil Chinchalkar is an undergraduate student at Cornell University and a summer Data Visualization intern in Princeton Research Computing.

Hosted By

PICSciE/Research Computing | View More Events
Co-hosted with: GradFUTURES

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