Banner for Application Workshop: Summer Undergraduate Research Internships

Application Workshop: Summer Undergraduate Research Internships

by The Office of Undergraduate Research

Training/Workshop Fellowships/Internships Undergraduate Research

Tue, Feb 7, 2023

4:30 PM – 6:30 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Deadlines for those amazing summer undergraduate research internships are just around the corner - but it’s not too late to put together your application! If you’ve been looking for the right opportunity to get started, have hit a roadblock you’d like advice on, or have a near-complete app you’d like feedback on, we invite you to join us for the spring 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Internships Application Workshop. Program staff and intern alums from the Office of Undergraduate Research, High Meadows Environmental Institute, the Pace Center, the Center for Career Development, and the Office of International Programs will be in Frist Multipurpose Room B-Level on Feb. 7 from 4:30-6:30 to answer your questions.

This is a drop-in event that encourages maximum flexibility so you can really focus on your personal application needs. If you’re looking to talk with a program adviser or intern alum about: what goes into a research proposal, how to ensure your plan is feasible, what even goes into a budget, how to make a personal statement persuasive, or how to find a research mentor - this event is for you! We also have tables set aside for you to purely work on your application with some friendly accountability buddies for support.

Stop in for 15 minutes to get a question answered, hang out for 45 minutes to finally finish up that stubborn budget draft, or spend the whole two hours developing your application. No matter what, you’ll leave with a question answered or app section complete. And did we mention the snacks and hot cocoa?
Food Provided (Snacks, Water, Hot Chocolate)

Hosted By

The Office of Undergraduate Research | View More Events

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